Why typical "body mechanics" training falls short.
In working with thousands of patients and clients over the past 20+ years since 1998 I've learned something very important when it comes to spinal pain: FAR too many people suffering from spine pain really have no idea how their spine really works. Even worse is the fact that they are told things by well meaning healthcare professionals that actually increases their fear of either injuring themselves by "doing too much" or that their problem will worsen outside of their control. People are told such things like "you've got degenerative disc disease and it's just going to get worse" or "if you move (or lift too much, or fall) the wrong way you could paralyze yourself." I can assure you that these folks can be VERY difficult to work with when this mindset becomes ingrained.
Now let's consider some other narratives that can compound problems. "I have to stand on concrete all day and that's what's causing my pain" is one I hear quite frequently. "It (back pain, degenerative disc or joint disease) runs in my family. My mother/father had it and so did my grandmother/father." All of these statements remove any semblance of personal control AND responsibility of taking care of their backs!
When it comes to the standard body mechanics training there is usually the "lift with your legs and not with your back" mantra as well as the image of a worker dutifully squatting down to lift a box. This image may even be posted on walls here and there. If workers are required to watch a video there are typically scenes where a person is robotically picking up various objects and moving them from point A to point B. HERE is a LinkedIn article I wrote talking about how "typical" body mechanics education doesn't always measure up. In working with my patients over the years we usually get a good chuckle when I say "and what you need to do out on the floor doesn't look anything at all like the picture or video, right?" The fact is people need to reach in, around, over, under, you name it in order to get jobs done. Just consider an auto mechanic who must lean over a car engine to reach bolts in awkward positions. There are MANY examples of jobs which require bending forward and or working in awkward positions or spaces. And guess what? When people need to work in such positions, or even have to bend forward frequently or work at a bench for extended periods feeling some stiffness is actually pretty normal (stiff when straightening up or the feeling of burning and/or pressure between the shoulder blades), but these sensations are often labeled as abnormal by doctors and other professionals which also adds to the problem.
Our program (currently in the process of development) not only educates people about how their back works, but also how to move efficiently, improve their strength and mobility, and also learn how to deal with aches and discomforts AS they come along throughout the day whether it is at work or at home. Our goal is to empower people to take a majority stake in their health and well being so that they have the best chance of NOT becoming another statistic. We are waging war on how back pain is viewed and treated!
If you would like more information about our program please get in touch below!